Friday, July 6, 2012

June 4, 2012 - False Start!

Welcome Back (if anyone is actually reading)! It's been 15 months since John and I have done a show and yes, we did actually miss it. A lot has happened in those 15 months, but most importantly, John decided that we should resurrect the show for the summer of 2012. After a couple half-hearted threats, I agreed to continue the show with him and we decided that June 4th would be the 1st show. John went to the studio in May and was excited about the brand new board and the other "upgrades" that had taken place in the previous 15 months. June 4th arrived and we were ready to begin again.......... Unfortunately, the first show was a complete trainwreck. John couldn't get anything to work. He could only play music from cd's. His interview was unable to be played and none of the music that I selected was able to be played. I thought about letting him suffer, but I decided to call in and share in his misery. We played off each other as good (or bad) as ever. John played some music, but it wasn't anything that I picked. I don't even remember what was played. I'm pretty sure there was some Foo Fighters and some Chris Richards but other than that, I've tried to block it out. It's really too bad that we had a fairly large audience for our first show back and they didn't get to hear what we are all about. Oh well. With a start this bad, we can only go up, right? Please tell me we can only go up! See you next week!

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